Friday, August 29, 2008

And so it is

-part of St. anselm's proslogion-
(chapter 1: In which the mind is aroused to the contemplation of God)

Come now, little man, turn aside for awhile from your daily employment, escape for a momentfrom teh tumult of your thoughts.

Lord, if you are not here but absent, where shall I seek you? But you are everywhere, so you must be here, why then do I not seek you? Surely you dwell in light inaccessible - where is it? and how can i have access to light which is inaccessible? who will lead me and take me into it so that I may see you there? i have never seen you, o lord my god, i have never seen your face, most high lord.

you have created and re-created me, all the good i have comes from you, and still i do not know you. i was created to see you, and i have not accomplished that for which i was made.

how wretched is the fate of man when he has lost that for which he was created. how hard and cruel the fall.what has man lost, and what has he fond? what has he left, and what is left to him?

he has lost blessedness for which he was made and he has found wretchedness for which he was not made. He had left that without which there is no happiness, and he has got that which is nothing but misery.

a grievous loss, a grievous sorrow, the whole thing is grievous.